Keto Strawberry Cream Cheese Cookies

As I've mentioned on other strawberry cookie posts, strawberries add so much moisture to baking, so they can be difficult to work with (if not using freeze-dried strawberries). These Keto Strawberry Cream Cheese Cookies taste so good, BUT due to adding the strawberries into the cookie dough, these cookies do not hold up at all. In fact, the first batch completely spread on the pan into goopy piles - I had to use a spoon to scoop the (yummy) goopyness off the pan (and deposit into my mouth).

The next round, I added more coconut flour (didn't measure it, just sprinkled some until it looked right) to get a thicker texture. I used coconut flour because it is known to dry things out quite a bit. These cookies weren't as goopy, but they are still not structurally sound. I cannot pick these up. I'm hoping to freeze them and then maybe they'll be holdable to eat soon after being removed from the freezer. It's so disappointing though because the taste is truly so so good!

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