Tag: food

Total 8 Posts

Keto Chow

Well, it's been about 4 months since starting my extreme keto diet (check out my post about it here) and... I'm STILL doing it!! I thought I would only go for 2 weeks, but I've formed habits that are totally sustainable. I have a couple cups of coffee in the
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Extreme Keto

This week I started a 2 week very low calorie keto diet (VLCKD) for medical purposes and under medical supervision. I may extend it for another 2 weeks after, but I personally find that doing something for a short time is easy, but if you commit to something for a
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Food Prep Post

I often take some time on Sundays to prep some meals for the week, usually things I can have easily for lunch. This week, Monday is a holiday (Martin Luther King Jr. Day), so prep happened today instead! On the menu for this week were two fairly simple recipes: Muffin
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